How to Mount Documentation Repositories

To connect to a documentation repository, follow the same basic steps outlined in the previous chapter about connecting to source code repositories.

You'll fill in all the fields in the mount point form the same way you filled them in for source code repositories, with two exceptions:

Start Path - If your documentation is part of a larger source code repository, you might want to set a different Start Path. For example, if your documentation is located in the "/docs" folder, then set the Start Path to "/docs". Only files in the /docs directory and below will be included in the mount point.

Tree Format Type - As we've already discussed, you'll choose the OpenSquiggly Simplified Document Tree Formatter as your tree type instead of the Raw Files and Folders tree type.

Reusing Repositories

There are times when you want to mount the same repository twice - once to get the raw files and folders, and once again to get the formatted documents.

Although you could simply connect to the repository twice and create two entirely separate mount points, this is inefficient. The repository will be cloned and indexed twice, taking up twice as much disk space.

To solve that problem, you can reuse the first repository when you create your second mount point.


Create your primary mount point by connecting to your source code repository, setting the Start Path to "/" and the Tree Format Type to raw.

Next, create a secondary mount point. In the Connection Type dropdown, select "Reuse Existing Repository". In the mount point dropdown, pick the mount point you wish to reuse.

Set the Start Path to the location of the subfolder containing your documenation, for example, "/docs".

Set the Tree Format Type to doc to get formatted documenation.

Save the mount point.

You'll now have two mount points created for the same underlying repository, one for your source code, and one for your documentation.

The nice thing about this set up is that when you refresh the parent mount point to pull down updated files, the secondary documenation mount point will also automatically update. This makes sense since both mount points are tied to the same cloned repository.