The Doc Formatter

In addition to displaying your files to you in an unfiltered, unformatted view, OpenSquiggly can also dynamically process your files and display them to you in a filtered and formatted view. This creates a pleasant, human readable view of documentation files stored in your Git repositories.

Compared with Static Sites

Now might be a good time for a brief comparison with some other document formatting options. The biggest alternatives to OpenSquiggly are static site generators.

Reusing Mount Points

To connect to a documentation repository, follow the same basic steps outlined in the previous chapter about connecting to source code repositories.

Implicit Table of Contents

There are two ways to set up your documentation to let OpenSquiggly managed your table of contents navigation for you: implicitly or explicitly. In this chapter we'll cover the implicit method.

Explicit Table of Contents

Explicit table of contents management is done by placing a ".opensquiggly" file within each folder containing your documents.