
User Docs overview.


For those organizations that need full control over their computing servers and network resources, either for security or cost reasons, we offer self-managed private portals.

VM Install : Amazon

We've provided a quick setup script that makes it easy to configure your disk space and install dependencies on an Amazon AWS instance.

VM Install : Azure

We've provided a quick setup script that makes it easy to configure your disk space and install dependencies on a virtual machin in Microsoft Azure.

VM Install : Digital Ocean

We've provided a quick setup script that makes it easy to configure your disk space and install dependencies on a Digital Ocean Droplet.

VM Install : Google

We've provided a quick setup script that makes it easy to configure your disk space and install dependencies on a Google Cloud Compute Engine Instance (i.e., a Virtual Machine).

VM Install : Linode

We've provided a quick setup script that makes it easy to configure your disk space and install dependencies on a virtual machine in Linode.

Installing on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that enables automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is a powerful tool for managing complex distributed systems and has gained popularity among developers and IT teams for its ability to simplify deployment and management of applications. In this section, and in the subsequent cloud-specifc sections, we will walk you through the steps for installing OpenSquiggly on Kubernetes.

Kubernetes : Amazon

Elastic Kubernetes Service, or EKS for short, is Amazon's managed Kubernetes service. This chapter describes the specifics of installing OpenSquiggly on EKS, and outlines any places where EKS installation may differ from the general Kubernetes installation instructions.

Kubernetes : Azure

Azure Kubernetes Service, or AKS for short, is Azure's managed Kubernetes service. The steps for installing OpenSquiggly on Kubernetes from any cloud provider are similar. In this section, we'll offer up some extra information and suggestions that are relevant to AKS.

Kubernetes : Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean Kubernetes, or DOKS for short, is DigitalOcean's managed Kubernetes service. Similar to Linode, DigitalOcean offers a simpler and easier to understand pricing model compared to the larger cloud providers, and has a broader array of services compared to Linode, though it tends to get more expensive than Linode as you move upstream into beefier Kubernetes nodes with more processing power and memory. As such it can be a good choice for customers who want the simplicity of pricing model like Linode, but need more services than Linode offers.

Kubernetes : Google

Google Kubernetes Engine, or GKE for short, is Google Cloud's managed Kubernetes service.

Kubernetes : Linode

Linode Kubernetes Engine, or LKE for short, is Linodes's managed Kubernetes service. If you don't already have access to a Kubernetes environment, Linode can be a good choice because of its easy configuration and simplified pricing model compared to larger cloud providers.