Hello and thank you for choosing OpenSquiggly for your software project documentation needs. My name is Kevin Dietz, a long-time veteran of the software industry and the founder of OpenSquiggly. Let me tell you my story, the challenges I see that face the software industry, and why I created OpenSquiggly.
Software Agility, Then and Now
We all know the history of the Agile Manifesto that started the agile software development movement over the last two decades; a small group of software veterans, many of them consultants and authors, met in February 2001 at the Snowbird Lodge in Utah to pontificate the future of software development and author the Agile Manifesto.
So who were these people?
I may have have met a few of them at conferences from time to time, but I don't know them personally. However, I don't think I'm mischaracterizing the situation with the following observations: they were all highly seasoned software veterans; they all had approximately the same level of very high technical skill; they were independent workers who worked as software consultants; most of them were US, British, or Canadian citizens; they all spoke fluent English; they were all excellent communicators, in both verbal and written forms; they were all about the same age; they all watched the same movies and knew the same jokes.
I imagine that their expectation of a software project was a small group of highly experienced software engineers, all fluently speaking the same language, co-located together in the same office, working on a reasonably well-bounded software project, consisting of a relatively new codebase with limited interfacing requirements with legacy code.
They expected to come in to the office, work side-by-side with their fellow equally-talented team members, solve problems together at the whiteboard, all of them engaging in well-mannered active listening and polite assumption challenging, and when they were done with the day, they'd go out for happy hour together at the local pub down the street. In other words, a tight-knit team working closely together, firing on all cylinders.
With that kind of shared understanding of what a software project looked like, it's not hard to see how they came up with the Agile Manifesto:
- Favor individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Favor working software over comprehensive documentation
- Favor customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Favor responding to change over following a plan
Where Did We Go Wrong?
Sadly, I think the state of affairs at an average software project in corporate America looks very different from the quaint notion that the Agile Manifesto authors had in mind in 2001. Things are much messier in the world today. Consider the current context that can be found in practically any software project in the world:
- The team is scattered in multiple locations around the world.
- The team is separated by large timezone differences.
- There is a large spread in the age range of the team.
- Verbal and written communication skills vary throughout the team.
- Team members may be fluent in different technology stacks than their coworkers.
- Some people are brand new to the project, while others have already worked on the project for years.
- Recruiting senior engineering talent is difficult and expensive.
- Project managers may or may not be well acquainted with the problem domain of the project.
- Codebases are very large and often older.
- The requirements of the project are not always as well-bounded as one would like.
- The project has a large number of external dependencies that need to be managed.
If I had to pick a single word that summed up all the challenges that face a modern software project, I would choose "complexity". Every aspect of software projects today are more complex than their counterparts from 20 years ago. What's needed then in the industry are new techniques and tools for dealing with this massive increase in complexity.
It's not that I think the Agile Manifesto is wrong per se, but I just don't think it offers much in the way of guidance about how to manage a modern, large software project, replete with the massive layers of complexity that I mentioned. Sometimes, in my darker moments of reflection, I think that if the American nuclear defense system were engineered the way we write software today, we would have blown ourselves to Kingdom Come long ago.
Different approaches are needed to continue the march of progress, and that's what we're trying to create with OpenSquiggly.
The Role of Documentation
Let's dig deeper into that second Agile Manifesto principle:
"Favor working software over comprehensive documentation"
Not wanting to pick a fight with the giants upon whose shoulders I'm standing, but let's get real here - you're going to need some level of documentation if you want to run an effective software project. The manifesto doesn't say that we shouldn't write documentation at all, but it does downplay it, and in many cases I think teams have taken this anti-documentation philosophy too far.
Let's break this down a little. First, I think the kinds of documentation the authors were referring to is very different from the kinds of documentation and documentation workflows that we are espousing with OpenSquiggly. What they were talking about are those big-design-up-front, multi-volumed specification documents that were written before any software was written at all, that attempted to describe, in the minutest detail, every last aspect of the behavior of the software. That doesn't work for commercial, for-profit software development. Perhaps government agencies and highly-regulated industries still need to work that way, but that approach is too slow for fast-moving commercial software development.
We're talking about something different. What we're talking about is the as-you-go type of architecture documents, diagrams, reference documents, code narratives, and other technical errata that you should maintain alongside your source code, allowing you to effectively communicate with the team and to maintain the codebase as time goes on. It is a living knowledge base that you cultivate throughout the lifetime of your project. We espouse an adaptive, lightweight documentation process that fits in with the developer's ordinary daily workflow; documentation that supports and empowers the team, not hinders it.
What is It?
What is OpenSquiggly?
OpenSquiggly is a software developer productivity platform, focused on curating documentation and source code from many projects across the organization, with the goal of helping developers find information faster and do their jobs better.
Document Authoring
You can author documents inside of OpenSquiggly in the same way you can author documents in a corporate wiki, with a couple of differences.
First, the documents are, or at least can be, multi-fragmented. You can arrange and delete fragments (we call them "snippets") within the page of the document, but you edit each snippet one at a time, rather than having a unified editing surface that lets you edit the entire document all at once. You can think of this very much like object-oriented programming. Each snippet can be of a particular snippet type, and each snippet type has different operations that can be performed on it, that are specific to that snippet type. In this type of system, it makes more sense, and is more feasible to implement, individual editors for each snippet type, rather than trying to develop a single, unified editing experience for the whole document.
Second, for authoring textual content, we provide an integrated text editing experience that lets you directly enter Markdown, HTML, or XML content. Since the product is aimed at software developers, and because software developers love Markdown, we've adopted an approach that gets out of your way and allows you to directly enter Markdown content. While we may add a rich text editor some day in the future, we'll always keep the ability to directly enter Markdown and HTML content, as it gives developers the most control over the type of content they wish to author.
Document editing via a traditional corporate wiki experience is just the beginning, however. OpenSquiggly adds several features beyond that to make it a documentation portal developers will love. These include:
Docs-As-Code Publishing Workflow
You don't need to author your documents internally within the OpenSquiggly system. You can author them and store them in your favorite Git hosting system, using any text editor of your choosing, and then host those externally-stored documents within OpenSquiggly. This works by "mounting" your repositories in OpenSquiggly, and then grafting documents from those mounted repositories into your document tree.
With this approach, your documents aren't held hostage by the wiki's database. They can live outside of the document hosting system, where they can be edited and versioned the same as ordinary source code. This approach is highly flexible. You can merge content from separate sources, split them apart, and recombine them in highly adaptable ways to meet the needs of your project.
Source Code & Documentation Together
Besides bringing formatted documents into your document tree, you can also bring in the actual source code of your project or your project's dependencies. This gives you a unified environment for perusing and searching your documentation and source code together. This is important because if the documentation you need doesn't exist, you can resort to reading through the source code. Having source code and documentation live side-by-side in one hosting system supports this type of workflow.
You might ask, why not just view the source code in your favorite IDE? Obviously you can do that if it happens to be the source code that you have cloned to your local repo and loaded up in your IDE at the moment. But what if the code is in a repository that you don't normally work with? Or what you don't even know the repository exists? What if you want to look up some code from another group to see how they solved a particular problem? I've worked in organizations that had thousands upon thousands of repositories - I can't clone them all locally. OpenSquiggly can be a common environment that has instant access to all of the repositories around the organization.
Reference Documentation Support
When we designed OpenSquiggly, we wanted a way to host class-and-method level reference documentation alongside your high level architecture documents and source code, giving you a complete end-to-end view of your project. The secret sauce that drives this is our table-of-contents management system. By separating the table-of-contents of the document structure from the actual textual content, you can mix-and-match reference documentation generated from tools such as JavaDocs, JS Doc, DocFX, Sandcastle, etc., and merge reference documentation generated from different tools into a single, unified hosting environment.
My observation is that other wikis on the market don't do a good job of letting you mix in reference documentation generated from the code structure, and since this is an important feature for developers, we wanted to bake these capabilities into the platform.
Each developer can customize their documentation tree to their liking, based on their needs and the tasks they are working on. With other wikis, you're stuck with a document structure as it was laid out by the author.
Since developers can quickly become overwhelmed with too much information, it is important that each developer can create customized views of exactly what they need to see for their specific work.
Regular Expression Searching
Often times, there is no existing documentation that will provide the technical details you are looking for. When that happens, a good strategy is to start searching and reading the source code.
To help you do that, we've built in some nice code searching capabilities that can let your search across all your repositories and documentation all at once. We support regular expression-based searching, which is great for searching for patterns in the code, and we provide a extensive set of include/exclude filtering conditions that let you easily search for specific files, repositories, and other conditions to help you narrow down your search to exactly what you're looking for.
And Even More
As you use OpenSquiggly you'll discover more features and more nuances to the product that we haven't explicitly covered here. And of course, we're always working hard to add more relevant functionality to the product.
The end result we're aiming for is a product that let's developers curate, index, organize, customize, annotate, tag, search, save, bookmark, take notes, write code narratives and walkthroughs, and share their research results with others in the organization.